Understand that thou art another world in little, and hast within thee the Sun and the Moon, and also the stars.
- Origen (185/86-254/55 C.E.)
In Sanskrit, the word chakra (sometimes spelled "cakra") literally means "wheel". In yogic philosophy, this term refers to the psychospiritual centers located along the length of the spine, each of which is associated with a different archetypal principle of consciousness. Although there are literally thousands of chakras situated throughout the subtle body, yogic philosophy normally stresses only seven or eight of these. Let us briefly review these primary points and their planetary associations.
Chakra 1, at the base of the spine, is called Muladhara. Its element is earth, and it is governed by the planet Saturn. Psychologically, it concerns one's relationship with the material plane, and the principle of limitation in both its constructive and destructive aspects. In its more unbalanced expression, it governs the drive for survival, as well as such states as greed and fear, while its more balanced expression points to such qualities as practicality and worldly skillfulness (business, science, etc.).
Chakra 2 is called Svadisthana. Its element is water, and it is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Psychologically, it is one of the centers concerned with emotions. At its grosser levels of expression, it governs such states as escapism, excess, and dogmatism, while its more constructive expressions include enthusiasm and religious devotion.
Chakra 3 is called Manipura. Its element is fire, and Mars is its governing planet. This chakra rules over emotions in their more dynamic and energetic forms. Thus, in its less refined state, it relates to anger and combativeness, and is more positively expressed as strength and assertiveness.
Chakra 4 is called Anahata. Its element is air, and its corresponding planet is Venus. The psychological focus is on love, beauty, and allurement, and it governs the capacity for harmony in all romantic and social interactions. In its unbalanced form, it produces a tendency toward hedonism, pleasure-seeking, and excessive "sweetness" of temperament, while, when in balance, it can give rise to an exceptional sense of aesthetics, and even unselfish love.
Chakra 5 is called Vishudda. Its element is ether, and it is governed by the planet Mercury. This chakra's psychological focus is upon mental self-expression and one's ability to formulate or verbalize thoughts. When unbalanced, it produces chaotic thoughts and/or communications, while its constructive expression tends toward creative spiritual thinking and refined communication skills.
Chakra 6 is called Chandra, and is ruled by the Moon. Though overlooked in most published discussions of the chakras, Paramahansa Yogananda described this as the feminine polarity of the Ajna chakra, or "third eye" (to be considered next). Its emphasis is upon awareness in its most reflective or introspective mode, and it governs such qualities as nurturing compassion and psychic sensitivity. Its more destructive expressions include the experience of fearfulness, emotional dependency, and a preoccupation with the past.
Chakra 7 is called Ajna and is located in the center of the forehead, also known as the "third eye". Its corresponding planet is the Sun, and it governs the principle of pure consciousness in its most active, visionary, and expressive form, as well as the higher will. In its balanced state, it rules creativity, spiritual energy, and self-expression, while in unbalanced form it can manifest as egoism, willfulness, "dry" awareness without compassion, and the drive for attention.
Chakra 8 is called Sahasrara, the "crown chakra" or "thousand-petaled lotus", and exists at the top of the head above the other chakras. Whereas the previous Ajna chakra represents the supreme realization of personal divinity (perceived in meditation as a fivepointed star), the Sahasrara rules our point of contact with the transpersonal divine, the level of "Godconsciousness". However, because this chakra represents a transcendental point beyond the more personal chakras (and, by inference, their astrological correlates), it is largely dormant for most individuals, and can, for purposes of clarity, be left out of our subsequent discussion.